By Steve Boyles, Ohio State University Extension Beef Specialist
Maintaining forage cover and using it for pasture or hay production should meet conservation compliance demands. A diverse group of people representing the local cattle organization, feed store, auction facility, fence building business, veterinary clinic, and the soil and water conservation district cooperated on a grazing project. The primary objective was to observe nitrates levels in surface water run-off from grazed and ungrazed sites. This information could be used to evaluate if rotational grazing is compatible with surface water quality requirements.
An intensive rotational grazing project was initiated within the Indian Lake Water Shed. The land was seeded to orchardgrass, timothy and red clover. The soil was a Napponee St. Clair silt/loam with 6% to 12% slopes which is typical of Logan County. There were not any trees within or adjacent to the grazing site.