Since Village Council reconvened in 2024 without Marianne MacQueen, the lifelong Yellow Springs resident has spent her January days looking back and looking ahead even beyond her new aquamarine workplace.
Imagine two neighbors who can’t agree.
One neighbor is a part-time musician with a separate day job who practices their music the only time they can at night. The other wakes up early each morning for their job, and has trouble getting to sleep every night when their neighbor practices next door. How do these two neighbors with conflicting desires move forward?
If they live in Yellow Springs, they can turn to the Village Mediation Program. This month, the program which has helped individuals and organizations navigate conflict for nearly 34 years offers villagers the opportunity to learn more about the resources it offers with an informational session on Tuesday, April 20. Following that session, villagers are invited to learn more about conflict engagement in general with “Skill Building Workshop: How to Lean into Conflict Creatively,” which will be split into two sessions on Tuesdays, April 27 and May 4; all events will be conducted via Zoom.