Those who raced the Ogden Newspapers Half Marathon Classic or the Tough As Nails Urban Challenge presented by The Health Plan might have caught some nasty cramps during their treks through Wheeling. WVU Medicine was ready to help both Saturday and Sunday of the Ogden Newspapers Wellness Weekend presented by WVU Medicine, offering free massages […]
WHEELING The first day of the Ogden Newspapers Wellness Weekend presented by WVU Medicine saw participants of all ages racing through the city of Wheeling in events ranging from a few hundred yards to 13.1 miles. Events held on Saturday included the Ogden Newspapers Half Marathon Classic walk and run, the 5K Twin Pops […]
WHEELING – Shadyside resident Joe Foster has been carrying the American flag during the Ogden Newspapers Half Marathon Classic on and off for the last 15 year
WHEELING — Laurel Jefferson was getting quite nervous as she looked around the area in which she and her husband were camping in Deep Creek, Md. The Springfield, Va. resident was wondering where she would be able to complete her running workout for the day. So, she started looking around the internet to see what […]