Al-Anon and Alateen: Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, Al-Anon meetings will be held virtually until further notice. For more information and links to local meetings visit https://wilmingtonncal-anon.org/, email wilmingtonais@gmail.com, or call 910-338-9059. For national information: https://al-anon.org/.
Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.): 24 hour answering service. Meets daily; call for time and location. 910-794-1840. All meeting are non-smoking, unless otherwise designated.
Happiest Hour Group: AA meetings at 5:30 p.m. at 1602 S. Front St.
Narcotics Anonymous: Think you might have a drug problem? Call the local NA at 800-691-5427 or visit http://dev.coastalcarolinaarea.org/.