couldn t delegate to somebody else. i have never met a parent, even great ones, who felt they did the job perfectly, but whatñi i the government decided that you weren t being axd good parent, d they decided toxd take your chi from you? and suppose that same government wouldn t even tell you what you had done to make themñr believe that you weren t adequate at raising your kids? what if your child was an athletic, dynamic young person full ofñr energy who started exhibiting signs of physical weakness and youñi took h@ toç hospital to get help for her, but instead, the government blamed you for her illness and they took her from you. wouldn t let you even see her without a government supervisor monitoring even so much asa5ñ uá %pabruptly and without explanatn forbid any contact with your own child whatsoever? and suppose the child s health continued to deteriorate even more dramatically while in the