dealings in china, russia, ukraine, kazakhstan and elsewhere, can t one conclude logically that with all the money this family is making from m these foreign countries, evenon during the time he s vice president, thatat would compromise joe biden in terms of visibility to deal with with russia, china? like why would he every give a waiver to the nord stream two pipeline whilewo simultaneouslyly canceling the keystone xl pipeline and also canceling the china initiative, which was the departmentip of justice investigation into chinese theft of our intellectual property on american universities. so no 25% goes right. president biden is compromised. he was compromised and i tried to warn america, but the press supressed. yeah, i hope the people ofprh, wisconsin understand all i this money. i want to knows mon whereey it . coming from because i don t believe it s coming from w the good people of wisconsin and they need toeo be aware of n
that the democrats just hateet until they tap intoth it to use it to try and engage in theag politics of personale destruction? and that s what s so despicable about this shot is they just lie, they distort and theyng engage in the politics ofag personal destruction that they can t run on the record. obviouslyerth they can t run on their open borders and a 40 year high inflation and record gas prices and the embarrassing and dangerous surrender in afghanistan r, alli they can do is tear other o people down and that s what they doo. they do it quite effectively, which is why i need help at ronjohnson senate dot . you know, i know the people of wisconsin are smart. they re going to see rightil through this. let mel ask see you, we just shd that joe biden lied. joe biden said he never talkede to hunter one time about as fart business dealings. we got pictures toss the contrary. we also havengs. five point two million dollars, apparently a discrepancy in his financial disclosure and tax fo
with hunter s foreign business partners, one from mexico and business associates from kazaks that got a beautiful sports car from them.anes fro it wasm ka reaction. wisconsin senator ronjohnson, before we get to that , senator , i think it set important to note i am supporting your reelection. you ve done a great job for the people of wisconsin. you re being targeted by more money from outside the state ofi wisconsin, i think than any other senate candidate running this cycle. my acura information so far i ve been outspent about nineteen point three million to five million and i don t even have a democrat opponent. but what i have is i have a media they ve been trying to a take me out for about the last 18 months. sout f you need a lot of help ronjohnson senate .com if you are me to continue to pursue these investigations, i ll need that financial help again. ronjohnson for senator .com, where s this money targeted against you coming from? do we know what s coming from those dark money