Sebi last month proposed a phased rollout of optional same-day settlement and sought views from the public before it finalised the rules. It believes same-day settlement could benefit retail investors as well as reduce margin requirements and default risks.
KUALA LUMPUR: Foreign investors bought into Bursa Malaysia equities in the final week of 2023 trading for a net purchase of RM165.4mil, data provided by MIDF Research showed.
They show up in celebrity divorces (think Kevin Costner), big bankruptcies (think FTX) and financial fraud cases. But you don’t have to be famous to benefit from the help of a deep diving accounting pro.
Wealthy Indians are now being allowed to invest in offshore funds in financial centers like Singapore. In the past month, around four ultra-high net worth individuals have been permitted to remit money to foreign funds whose managers are regulated. This development is being closely followed by private wealth managers and financial experts catering to rich clients. Previously, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) had imposed restrictions on overseas investments, including the requirement that investments in overseas funds be made only in "regulated funds".