he has three flats in there and then all of this. then if we go around here, there is more. if you look down here in this little private street, this mews, we can t go in there, we can have a peak. this first one and the second one, the files show that the king owns them as well. so that makes for an enormous block of property right bang in belg ravia. the king spends more than £70 million on his property empire. it is worth bearing in mind, that while the uk was sending millions in much needed aid tojordan, the king ofjordan was spending millions on fancy properties in the heart of london. the king ofjordan s lawyers said our information is not accurate or up to date.
investigation to come to the attention of governments all over the world. the consortium is leading a global investigation, involving more than 600 journalists around the world, including the guardian in the uk. with the king ofjordan, it wasn tjust villas in malibu. documents dating from 2003 to 2017 show he also bought property in the us capital. this is said to be one of washington s most glamorous areas and the files show the king has secretly been spending millions here. the files reveal the king
i do feel sad and shocked. one of most significant revelations in the files is how easy it is to hide dirty money in the uk. it is child s play. what is a good present for an 11 year old? a bike. a computer? what about this? a chunk of property in the heart of central london, worth £33 million? the lucky boy with his foot on the property ladder was the son of the president of azerbaijan. a country our own government once described as corrupt. it looks like the property deal was set up to hide the trail of dirty money. the property was bought by an offshore company in 2009. the company was owned
bought four apartments in this block for $16 million. these are properties that jordanians don t know about. it is very difficult for the averagejordanian to achieve just a basic level of home and family and a good job. and so to have it really thrown intojordanians faces that he has been just funnelling money abroad all this time that, would look really bad. and there is more. we found a total of 15 properties hidden behind offshore companies. six of them are in london. it s a matter of public record when you or i buy a house, the rich can keep it secret. so, the files show that these are the properties that are owned by the king ofjordan. firstly, there is this one.
but you also ensure your moral responsibility. for most people when they are buying or selling their house, it is a big chunk of change and it is cash you have to pay upfront. you know, as an ordinary person with an ordinary salary, i can t buy a house or a property or a business investment through an offshore company. the leak of offshore files has revealed the secret deals of world leaders, and a system that helps them play by different rules. tomorrow night, we use the documents to investigate who funds our political parties. if you give enough, you will be having dinner with the prime minister, you meet the top chap at the prime minister, various cabinet ministers, to get access. it is crony capitalism,