From the minute that the UK voted to leave the EU we vets knew that trouble was brewing for people wanting to travel to Europe with their pets using a Pet Passport. What exactly would happen remained unclear until the end of last year and now we know – and believe me it is no fun at all. Cats and dogs can no longer enter the EU using their old passports. They now need to be issued with an Animal Health Certificate (AHC) by an Official Veterinary Surgeon within 10 days of every single trip. Not all vets are Official Veterinary Surgeons (or “OV”s for short) it is an additional qualification that we must get by doing courses and an exam. I will not bore you with the details of filling in an Animal Health Certificate but suffice to say it is a long, involved process and not something you can just knock up in ten minutes. We had a slight reprieve while the country was in lockdown as no one was travelling, but now that restrictions are lifting the demand for AHCs will only in