ambassador bolton. september 1st, vice president pence in warsaw and on september 5th, he met with senator ron johnson, senator chris murphy and in none of these meetings did he raise any concern about a linkage between security assistance and investigations. in particular, the september 5th meeting with senator johnson and senator murphy is notable because they are not part of the trump administration and he could be candid with them. what did occur during those 55 days or historic efforts by ukraine of parliament to implement anticorruption reform. vice president pence had pressed president zelensky about these reforms during their september 1st meeting. in their deposition, ambassador taylor lau did his rapid reforms and national security council official morrison testified that during the meeting that he noted
and volker. no, he thought it was really weird that this was becoming ability an american election. and thought it was dangerous. when volker was ask whether or not there was impeachable offense observed he said no. a legal conclusion at any trial? do you remember the lady really? you remember a witness being asked did you think it was robbery or burglary? look, these are people who interface with the national security apparatus regularly. ambassador volker. it s not their job. they have an ability to provide some context for the circumstances that have arisen. if given the context there was a severe concern on the part of everyone involved. you would hear the concerns from morrison. that s why they were testifying. all the people coming forward you can break down into categories, hearsay, conjecture
who s paying him. why is he there. if there is a logical extension of foreign policy as you argue this was about. why is mayor giuliani involved at all? i don t know. you must know. you need to argue to defend the president. you must know. what i can do is point to the testimony of official morrison. who said when asked about giuliani involvement that he wasn t concerned that he didn t think it was anything inappropriate or unlawful. he was the only one. our country does have a history of using people in a non-traditional way. the president even encouraged me to meet with foreign leaders and carry a message now and then outside of the official channel. there s nothing wrong with that inherently. if giuliani did something wrong which i haven t seen evidence of of course there s a process to deal with that. there s a couple
concern about the prosecutor. kent testified there was such substantial concern that our own embassy had to pull out of a public private partnership out of fear we would be smeared. democratic senators asked if you have your facts right. let s be clear there there s no question there was concerns about investigating. challenge me on them. give me some time. if the idea is that this is what biden wanted, democratic senators that told ukraine you need to investigate the following people. including the person who was atop. there s no question there was question about it. the president asked for biden. and his perfect phone call. he asked for biden. concerned every one of the diplomats except morrison was this
impeachment. two different things. one is bad faith. and bad act. it seems like both the two witnesses and ambassador volker essentially have corroborated yet again. that defuations from the normal procedure suggest that president trump was not in good faith. and also the bad act seems to be verified again. this clearly repeated emphasis on the necessity for a public declaration of investigation into biden. that had to be done. lieutenant vindman said there s a demand for it. he s present on the call. this is the first time we heard from people on the call and verifying everything we have heard bad for the president. i m wondering the notion that volker and morrison were the witnesses that the republicans wanted. do you think they served the