A few big chunks of concrete were knocked off an I-80 overpass at Gilman Street in Berkeley Wednesday morning when a big-rig truck driver carrying an excavator plowed into it, and then took off.
Photo provided by California Highway Patrol
While driving his girlfriend s Maserati SUV at an excessive speed, a 32-year old California man tried to evade pursuit by California Highway Patrol (CHP). The chase ended when the driver exited the freeway and lost control of the vehicle, careening up an embankment before crashing into the underside of a concrete overpass. The vehicle s rate of speed and the force of impact caused it to cave into itself and become wedged under the freeway.
The chase occurred on a freeway in Oakland, California on April 12 when the CHP began following the speeding Maserati. Instead to pulling over, the driver accelerated to over 100 mph before ultimately exiting the freeway and crashing.
Man leads CHP on chase, wedges his girlfriend s Maserati under freeway
By Associated Press article
OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) A man fleeing the California Highway Patrol totaled his girlfriend’s Maserati SUV after he careened up an embankment and slammed into the underside of an overpass, wedging the vehicle under a freeway in Oakland, authorities said Tuesday. The driver is lucky to be alive. The owner of the Maserati … not so lucky, the CHP said in a social media post that included photos of the mangled luxury vehicle.
Police say the 32-year-old man was speeding on a highway Monday when a CHP officer tried to stop him. He accelerated to over 100 mph (160 kph) and then exited the freeway, veering over a curve, up the embankment and ending up just beneath the freeway, Officer David Arias, a spokesman for the CHP in Oakland, said Tuesday.