A budget proposal expected to be released by GOP next month in response to President Joe Biden’s proposal could include a 45% cut to foreign aid and nearly halve the FBI’s funding, the US newspaper reported on Wednesday.
The United States government spends trilions of dollars every year. As the nation embraces technological innovation, what are the key trends shaping IT spending? Read on!
As cybercriminals adapt their tactics for credential theft, security teams can harden identities utilizing many built-in security options already at their disposal.
The Biden administration’s budget proposal unveiled Monday calls for $10.9 billion in spending on cybersecurity priorities, an 11% increase that would include raises to cyber budgets across the federal civilian government.
Sarah Vogel, the former North Dakota agriculture commissioner who famously won a class action suit against the Agriculture Department’s attempts in the 1980s to foreclose on the farmers it was supposed to help, has written…