Critics say crucial expertise within Alberta Environment and Protected Areas is being broken up and dispersed, weakening fish and wildlife programs that should be working together and putting responsibility for conservation within ministries where that concern may not be central.
As the city moves toward hiring a new ethics commissioner this year, Reece Harding says a lot needs to change in order for the ethics commissioner's office to be more transparent, independent and effective.
When Surrey announced it would be the first municipality in B.C. to have an ethics commissioner, it was hoped it would usher in a new era of transparency at city hall. But little more than two years later, the future of the office is in limbo.
Conservative Party leadership candidate Pierre Poilievre has a personal financial interest in cryptocurrencies that he has promoted during his campaign as a hedge against inflation.
B.C. s ombudsperson said he s disappointed in several recent bylaw amendments approved by Surrey s city council, including one that put a six-month ban on ethics investigations ahead of the municipal election.