The 9th Field Investigations Squadron, newly activated by the Air Force Office of Special Investigations and commanded by Lt. Col. Adam Kurzen, stood up July 25 at a ceremony on Yokota Air Base.
As the Air Force’s largest and longest exercise in rapid global mobility, Mobility Guardian served as the proving ground for AMC’s first large-scale integration of an Advanced Battle Management System, ensuring decision superiority with speed, agility and,
As the Air Force’s largest and longest exercise in rapid global mobility, Mobility Guardian served as the proving ground for AMC’s first large-scale integration of an Advanced Battle Management System, ensuring decision superiority with speed, agility and, News, features and commentaries about Air Force Reserve people, equipment and missions
Air Mobility Command premiered a proof-of-concept for a next-generation all-domain command and control platform during Exercise Mobility Guardian 2021, May 25, 2021. ,