Christmas is rapidly approaching. The week in which Dec. 25 occurs is generally known as the holiday season. Instead of people saying my preferred greeting,…
Christmas is rapidly approaching. The week in which Dec. 25 occurs is generally known as the holiday season. Instead of people saying my preferred greeting,…
Christmas is rapidly approaching. The week in which Dec. 25 occurs is generally known as the holiday season. Instead of people saying my preferred greeting,…
December 8 marks the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. It is a holyday of obligation, and marks the patronal feast of the United States. The feast celebrates Mary having no original sin from the very moment she was conceived in St. Anne’s womb. God chose her from all of time to be the Mother of God. It is also the closing of the Year of St. Joseph.
There are so many popular feasts during Advent. Children and adults alike love St. Nicholas and St. Lucy; Our Lady of Guadalupe