She also said the Biden administration has created a new office to help fossil fuel workers identify new opportunities.
(Bloomberg) Jennifer Granholm used her first speech as U.S. Energy Secretary to warn oil and gas companies they risk being left behind unless they embrace a transition to cleaner sources of energy, while also offering them an opportunity to partner with the new administration.
“I’m not going to sugarcoat how hard transitions are,” Granholm said Wednesday during IHS Markit’s annual CERAWeek conference. “The bottom line is this particular growth of clean energy and reduction of carbon provides a huge opportunity and I’m extending a hand of partnership.”
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has announced several additional Biden-Harris administration appointees.
The new DOE members are said to be joining the team to deliver on President Biden’s climate priorities and create a clean energy future for the American people. A list of the new appointees can be seen below.
Jeremiah Baumann, Deputy Chief of Staff
Luke Branscum, Special Assistant, Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs
Emily Doran, Special Assistant, Office of Fossil Energy
Lavianna Felder, Special Assistant, Office of Energy Jobs
Miles Fernandez, Director, Office of the Executive Secretariat
Julius Goldberg-Lewis, Deputy White House Liaison
Robert Golden, Special Advisor to the Chief of Staff
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Presented by Chevron
With help from Alex Guillén
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