Stephen thats it for report, everybody. Good night. [cheers and applause] from cod news headquarters in new york, this is the daily show with jon stewart. [daily show theme song playing] [cheers and applause] jon welcome to the daily show. My name is jon stewart. Got a good one tonight. We got our guest tonight r. J. Cutler made a documentary about dick cheney and [laughter] [laughter] did you guys just get really cold . [laughter] first lets talk about the top story tonight, the fragile economy. Economic growth is stagnated. Unmyment is stub bornly high and by midnight tomorrow the spending cuts, sequester, congress and the president subjected themselves to to force them to make a deal before the sequester took effect because the effects would be so drastic and dire that its taking effect. Listen, this is bad news my brothers. You can imagine what the mood on wall street is. Hope and optimism here on wall street. Merger mania is back. The highest bubble since 2005. Merger mania is bac
[cheers and applause] stephen good night. [cheers and applause] from cod news headquarters in new york, this is the daily show with jon stewart. [daily show theme song playing] [cheers and applause] jon welcome to the daily show. My name is jon stewart. Got a good one tonight. We got our guest tonight r. J. Cutler made a documentary about dick cheney and [laughter] [laughter] did you guys just get really cold . [laughter] first lets talk about the top story tonight, the fragile economy. Economic growth is stagnated. Unmyment is stub bornly high and by midnight tomorrow the spending cuts, sequester, congress and the president subjected themselves to to force them to make a deal before the sequester took effect because the effects would be so drastic and dire that its taking effect. Listen, this is bad news my brothers. You can imagine what the mood on wall street is. Hope and optimism here on wall street. Merger mania is back. The highest bubble since 2005. Merger mania is back with a v
Coming straight out of nordstroms a crazy mother [deleted] named matthew headed to the food court for cookies with cashews. [cheers and applause] theyve been rocking that in japan since thanksgiving. They dont even have thanksgiving in japan. My grandfather made sure of that. [audience groaning] i dont like, uh hey, hey world war ii happened, everybody. Youre gonna have to deal with that sooner or later. I dont like hip hop on the radio cause they take out all the curse words, which means they take out all the words, right . Turn on the hip hop stations its like, im gonna you up so bad. Gonna in the till youre motha mad. And after that im gonna your motha sister. Im gonna out [cheers and applause] not even gonna kiss her. There was a lot of sodomy in that joke but it was in your minds. My grandfather made sure of that. Everybody speaks the hip hop lingo nowadays. I was watching the news a while ago. They found a gun in this kids locker and they were talking about the kid and the newsca
[cheers and applause] stephen good night. [cheers and applause] from cod news headquarters in new york, this is the daily show with jon stewart. [daily show theme song playing] [cheers and applause] jon welcome to the daily show. My name is jon stewart. Got a good one tonight. We got our guest tonight r. J. Cutler made a documentary about dick cheney and [laughter] [laughter] did you guys just get really cold . [laughter] first lets talk about the top story tonight, the fragile economy. Economic growth is stagnated. Unmyment is stub bornly high and by midnight tomorrow the spending cuts, sequester, congress and the president subjected themselves to to force them to make a deal before the sequester took effect because the effects would be so drastic and dire that its taking effect. Listen, this is bad news my brothers. You can imagine what the mood on wall street is. Hope and optimism here on wall street. Merger mania is back. The highest bubble since 2005. Merger mania is back with a v
[ cheers and applause ] [ laughter ] and theyre not always like that. Women arent always like that. Just if you catch them in the wrong mood, theyre like that. [ laughter ] and the littlest talk can go so south, you know . Shed be like, owen. Id be like, yo. Shes like, are you hungry . Im like, no. Shes like, where did you eat . [ dramatic music plays ] [ laughter ] im like, i ate at wendys. Shes like, wendys . Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. [ laughter ] who the hell is wendy . who the hell . so then i took a picture of that, and i keep it. All right, im owen benjamin. [ cheers and applause ] thank you. You guys are great. Boom good night, new york i love you captions by vitac www. Vitac. Com news headquarters in new york, this is the daily show with jon stewart. [daily show theme song playing] [cheers and applause] jon welcome to the daily show. My name is jon stewart. Got a good one tonight. We got our guest tonight r. J. Cutler made a documentary about dick cheney and [laughter] [laughter]