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Under current USPTO Patent Term Adjustment (PTA) rules, an Applicant can be charged a Patent Term Adjustment (PTA) deduction for “applicant delay” before examination commences if the application is not “ready for examination” within eight months of its filing date (or national stage commencement date). While that rule first came into effect with the December 18, 2013 Patent Law Treaty rule changes, we have been seeing more pre-examination PTA deductions since the USPTO implemented the
Supernus-related PTA changes July 16. 2020. While those changes expressly altered the PTA rules surrounding Preliminary Amendments, Applicants may be surprised to be charged PTA deductions for correcting Sequence Listing errors.
USPTO can charge applicants with Patent Term Adjustments for applicant delays is the applicant is not ready for examination, which came into effect through the Patent Law Treaty rule changes, leading to more pre-examination PTA deductions.