Oil prices continued their ascent on Tuesday after Russia said it would cut production, which boosted oil stocks. Chipmakers were down on the news that China implemented export restrictions on germanium and gallium, which are essential for the semiconductor industry. The FTSE 100 inched down 0.1%.
consideration of his strength and he just decided that he does not have it anymore and he wants somebody else to take his place as the leader of the world s catholics. all right. claudio lavanya and i know that you have a busy day and month ahead of you and even busier than you thought it would be. claudio, he of course, will be checking in a lot today and goingfogo going forth. and vatican correspondent joining us. he did offer hints that he would maybe not go the same way and perhaps after watching pope john paul ii deteriorate at the end that he would not do the same thing. well, chuck, let s begin with john paul ii. i think that john paul ii at the end of his life gave a great christian witness, invited