atika, what more do we know and what more does the u.s. know about this man? well, what we know is basically he was very well known to australian police. he conducted a number of attention-seeking protests, changing himself to court, for example, in 2011 and he was charged as you mentioned in those two separate cases he sent a string of offensive letters to families of diggers dying in afghanistan. he was convicted of those letters and sentenced to 3 hours of community service. separately, last year he was also charged as being an accessory to the murder of his former wife. that case is still ongoing. this man is known to authorities not only the string of cases but the fact that he was making
he called terrorist campaign by allying itself with the u.s.-led coalition that has targeted but there s no evidence of a direct connection with isis or any terrorist group? so far there s no direct connection that we see. there s also no direct connection that we see with a larger group. it seemed that he acted on his own. jim, from the suspected gunman s background, he faced more than 40 charges of sexual or indecent assault. in 2013, he was charged with being an accessory to the murder of his ex-wife, and he was convicted of sending offensive letters to relatives of fallen australian soldiers. so he was certainly on the radar of authorities in sydney, right? that s right. they knew about him and even the reporters knew about him because of his extremist views and being public in the street, preaching in the street this extremism. and sending these letters to the