Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton joined a multistate amicus brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, urging reversal of a lower court’s
The Off Shore Hotel & Resort in Bellevue, IA has become a summer oasis that no one knows about. New owners bought the property in 2020 and have since made additions and renovations that people all over the place are traveling to see and enjoy.
scary. now if you watch the show or not in thirty seconds of research you ll see that the new law has zero to do with that. it is aboutng protecting ourng young children from racial, gender and indoctrination. it s something called preserving in a sense this used to be notoctr a subject of debae in the united states somehow. now it is. joining us now on the stage is jan little john, the momui who lawsuit kind oft served as a catalyst for this parental m. ts movement and tina, the thoughts of it, it was the co-founder of moms for liberty. jan, telll us what happenedha with your teenage child that kicked this all off shore . the pandemic wasan hard on many adolescents and at the heightur of the pandemic, our d daughter came and told that she was confused about her . this is becoming more andan more common and this was after three of her friends and heree in person peer group at school also had come out as transgender.
you watch the show in thirty seconds of research, you ll seel that the new law has s zero to t with that. it is though about protecting our young childreng ou from rac, gender and indoctrination. is it s something called preserving in a sense, this used to be not a subject of debate in the united states somehow. now it d is. joining us now on stage is jan little, the mom whose lawsuit s kind ofer served as a catalyst for this parental rights movement and tina desaturate is the co-founder of moms for liberty. jan, tell us what happenedar with your teenage child that kicked this all off shore . the pandemic was s hard on manyi adolescents and at the heightur of the pandemic our daughter came and told us that she was confused about her . this is becoming more and more common and this was after three of her friends and her in person peer group school
Bancolombia (NYSE:CIB – Get Rating) was downgraded by JPMorgan Chase & Co. from an “overweight” rating to a “neutral” rating in a research report issued on Tuesday, MarketBeat Ratings reports. They presently have a $46.00 target price on the bank’s stock. JPMorgan Chase & Co.‘s target price would suggest a potential upside of 5.17% from […]