its radicalism. the war on constitutionalism and national sovereignty and capitalism and classroom and parents, and sp free speech. almost an ale alien party if you will. there another grave threat we face. because of its association and attac attachment to the democrat party, i hate to see this as someone who spent part of his career, of department of justice. we have to fear federal law enforcement. in specific, the u.s. department of justice and fbi, which is a piece of the department of justice. first, i wanting to make a recommendation to you, each and every morn. that each of you file a freedom of information act request with the department of justice and fbi for any information that government might be keeping on you. with all of these stories of big tech and fbi. working together. and the massive databases now, and monitoring that is taking place. you may not believe it, because many of you most of you are patriots. but you may have a file. ask for it. they will try t
its radicalism. e war on constitm and national sovereignty and capitalism and classroom and parents, and spre free speech. almost an ale ye alien party if you will. there another grave threat we face. because of its association and attach am attachment to the democrat party, i hate to see this as someone who spent part of his career, of department of justice. we have to fear federal law enforcement. in specific, the u.s. department of justice and fbi, which is a piece of the department of justice. first, i wanting to make a recommendation to you, each and every morn. that each of you file a freedom of information act request with the department of justice and fbi for any information that government might be keeping on you. with all of these stories of big tech and fbi. working together. and the massive databases now, and monitoring that is taking place. you may not believe it, because many of you most of you are patriots. but you may have a file. ask for it. they will try to
for certain lawyers, and be on. outrageous. citizens are entrapped, held without trials and solitaire confinement in dc, g.o.p. members of en congress are having their cell phones confiscated and judges upholding sly it is outrageous, no more lifetime appointments. crime street crime is going through the the roof this system must be overhauled. federal law enforcement. federal judiciary, and congress has the power to do it. i just want to point this out to you. under the judiciary acts that have taken place since the beginning of off nation, congress has determined how many judges there are, what districts the courts are, how many appellate courts and how many members, they created the department of justice, they created the
for certain lawyers, and be on. outrageous. citizens are entrapped, held without trials and solitaire confinement in dc, g.o.p. members of engag congress are having their cell phones confiscated and judges upholding sly it is outrageous, no more lifetime appointments. crime street crime is going through the the roof this system must be overhauled. federal law enforcement. federal judiciary, and congress has the power to do it. i just want to point this out to you. under the judiciary acts that have taken place since the beginning of off nation, congress has determined how many judges there are, what districts the courts are, how many appellate courts and how many members, they created the department of