ginger z iees here to ti tmehis out. > in friloda, meanwhile, t he emergency shteel nrsow filli ng byhe t thousan, dsas the dthea llto rises fm rohurricane ian. and e thdesperatsee arch and rescue eorfft, going do-toro-door n, owaround t he clk,oc days afr teian hit. victorqu oendo aga tinonight. the wainr ukraine. and tonight,kr uainian fceors eaking touhrgh russi rananks. reclaimi tngerritoryla cimed by vlimadir putin. and whatre psident zenelskyy is now saying about negotiating with putin. ian pannell inside ukraine. and tonight, north korea, the ngloest missile testet y, rifing a nucarle-capable llbaistic miilsse direct olyver pan. e sirensen sding maniny japan nnruing for vecor. thu.e s. respoinndg tonight. rtmaha radda itzs here. > the brkieang headle in voinlving th uatrgent hu fntor a serialil kler. tonigh tt,wo more murders w no tentlliay linkedo tthis case. d what wvee now leaedrn. > elon muss k surprisi ng offer. the rntu, apparelynt, in the twitr tewar. th
a mask around others. they r aelsoed rucinghe t quaranti tneime if y roue poexsed. isth is ara dmatic shtif. is this the right meov right now, geniv what wee rseeing with ocrmion and do we have nccorete data on how long people are actulyal contagisou, peescially wh itthis new varit?an whit, first of all, tnkhas for hangvi me tihink this is a terrificov me there s reayll no reason w whye ne tedo be isotilang peopleor f ten da ysanyme.or ihi tnk we have very good evidenceha tt most peop,le particullyar those who heav vaccatined and bstooed areot n ntcoagious f torhat long. ihi tnk adding five days of mask wearingri bngsor me confenidce. ll getor me data,ut b i tnkhi isth is clearlyhe t rightov me for the uncotry. i kwno a lot ofeo pple and sibunesses weer eagero tget people bkac to work and school. we llta snd byor f more informioatn on that. alth exrtpes have also jug zest tedhatmi ocron might be less vesere, and yet, at the me time, we re sineeg a concerni ingncreasen i hos