democratic primary challenger marianne williamson is back. will i 10% in the.m i know. i m not kidding. in the democrati kiddc primary.y s and robert f kennedy is at 21%. we re going to ask. why biden and the dnc are so afraid ofe so a little competition. but first tonight, the oh so pious journalists in the mobas b and the media and, of course, their close friends. they are the willing allieses and press secretaries of the democratic party. they are living in an alternate reality. let s give you exhibit a. hillary clinton. we all know james comey admitted it. she mishandledjames coy admitt f top secret classified material. she attempted cover it up. that s the 30,000 emails they had. she destroye0 e-maild 33,000 ot emails that were subpoenaedinvet during an ongoing investigation. hillary, a democraigt. she was never raided. she was never charged with a crime. and now, of coursed north , lact and all self-awareness, which is typical of all things,d bill clinton and hillary
that that balloon should have gotten as far inlandn should aso what would you agree? clear here? well, i thinulk that that would have probably been shot down over the water. i don t know why it was able to get as close as it got intoot u.s. territory. for the record, agreeas com with you. once it was coming to alaska airspace, i would have shointat that sucker right out of the sky. yeah, yeah, yeah. but let s be clear on the. sean: w what would you have done with the drone inciden wt? are you talking about syria? where are talking abouret you t the drone? sean: t i m talking about the russians taking down one ofn our drones over us and taking down one of our joint. where? where are the. mean oneyou mean one of our droy what country are you talking about? where they took down our. it wasouking a high profile incident that a russian fighter jet purposely hit and took down an american drone out of the sky and joe biden did nothing. what would you have done? it would depend on
careful not to say anything say waat could be construed as that he was asking for, but he neverk he never miranda he told us never once that he talkedo hi to his son about his foreign business dealings. was i wrong to believedealings that? what he s been shown that ss be lie proven to be a lie over and over and over. and and i just think what ted cruz says is right. if joe biden should come, joe bi forward and say, i didn t do it and prove it, i mean why doese leav he leave these allegations hanging there? i d likee to know how much mony they made from every country. and maybe that s whyy co he doeh take on china and russia or any of these countries. miranda, thank you. good to see you, charlie cook. all right. straight the marianne williamso. she s now 10% in the polls, using social media to rally gen z support ahead of 2024. but where does she stand on the issues and why is she are why is rfk junior? why are they doing sy doino agal joe biden if he was so popular? that s straig
and you know what? 10% is not too shabby. that s a pretty that s a very respectable number, just lik e seven of kennedy s number, i think, is at 21%. is innedy s respectable.t i think it speaks to combined. we re talking about 31% of democrats don t want joe biden. that speaks volume of demon s. r so i started to do a little deeper dive into your positions d and for exampl, you seem to want to eliminate all domestic energy production or a lot of it in america. and you said that no phrase has been used, more manipulative. len e, than national security. and you said our military madness has not made us more secure. it has made us les secures secure. and i m asking you, to the extent tha t you, china, russia,an iran, as national securitye threats and what would you have done if you were president andpd chinese spy balloon incident happened and the russia taking e down of our drone happened, what would you do in those two cases? wel y dl, i would i don t thk
the dossier has been conclusivelyr thin . disprove you know, i think we re going to actually have to stop calling it the infamoustop cals increasingly, it s the accurate dossier, increasingly the dossier. not one word has been disproven ind has fact, a lot t turned out to be right on the money. it hasn t been discredited in idiscredi fact. it s been the opposite. it s been corroborated. really? yes, really all your , your community, your intel community has corroborated all of the details in there. after spending years obsessing over russia hoax. that never happened. and according to durham, that investigation, crossfire, hurricane neveoathatr should hae been open and other anti-trump endeavors. can you guesd other ans much tim these very same people devoted to the foreign briberythe allegations against president biden and his son hunterigd hi on, june eightn both the trump indictment and biden briberctment ay story? guess what? abc, cbs, nbc, they devotedd a whopping 291 minutes