deadline. as you mentioned on the topic of zelenskyy and ukraine aid yesterday, speaker nancy pelosi said that she thinks republicans and democrats should come together, and she said she doesn t have any doubt that republicans will get on this side for more ukraine funding to be passed but this hasn t been without hammering in this process. this could be the last major bill that passes this year before republicans taking control of the house on january 3rd. and the person vying to become house speaker kevin mccarthy, he s trying to court some votes of far right members of this party to be able to solidify the support he needs on that day. he has actually sought to torpedo this bill and punt it off until after republicans take control of the house. he endorsed this letter by gop members of his party that condemned this ask for this bill. he also is trying to get more gop senators to take his side and not vote for it.
social responsibility. i think you re pretty sharp, david, regardless. you re very kind, thank you. you don t look a day over 59. so listener, your new book is all about leadership. tell me more about your book. thank you. it s a call and it s very consistent with what we ve just been talking about. it s a call to the younger generation, young emerging generations to prepare themselves for lives of service and of leadership, public leadership. you know, i believe one of the best way we re going to get out of this mess is through having stronger, more effective leaders than we ve been having. we had a series of leadership failures in recent years. it doesn t take a genius to do this. it takes somebody with the kind of capacity and the charm and the bravery of zelenskyy. where are the people that can
anything to you on sunday, interestingly enough, some foreign leaders like french president macron, the president of finland, sweden and others say they were concerned about putin s health. she is not alone. i am getting new information about concerns related to president zelenskyy s traceability coming from sources to the threat he faces inside ukraine. the state department a short while ago. senior official told us that the u.s. is coordinating very closely with the ukrainian government on all things related to zelenskyy. intelligence and information. now this as well. sources say the concern is really focused on zelenskyy s use of the web and social media to communicate with the ukrainian people. we re told the easiest way for putin and svr to track and target him is through his mobile phone and internet use.
counsel meeting that they are he had a phone call to vladimir putin last night. at the behest of zelenskyy. basically saying that zelenskyy asked him to call putin and he demanded that putin immediately cease fire. immediately lay down the arms and stop the attack. on ukraine. and he said obviously that had no impact at all. he also said that he felt that putin had been duplicity all along. yes, there was duplicity. yes, there was deliberate conscious choice by president putin to launch the war. when we could still negotiate peace. and we have been listening to the foreign minister this morning talking on french radio saying that he feels that putin
looking at macron saying he is more insulated and isolated. the inclination is they surround themselves with people who believe the same things they believe and share information with these autocrats that they think they want to hear. so the odds of putin getting exposed to any reality is very slim. harris: would he accept it anyway if he is not rooted in reality how much would he drink of reality? thank you very much. the latest news on the traceability of zelenskyy, too. it has been his personal touch that has helped pull the world and people together on helping them. as we discussed earlier, vladimir putin is creating a refugee crisis in a matter of days. u.n. is estimating up to 600,000 people have already fled ukraine to escape the brutal invasion. many are flooding the border with poland where we saw lucas tomlinson a short time ago in the western part of the country. lines of peoples and cars