increase the price of petroleum, you re going to increase the price of airplanes. we don t like either of those things. is there anything you can do to stop the president from imposing these tariffs? well, there s something. look, we want to work with the president, not at odds with him. we know we don t agree on everything, but we agree on almost everything. i don t have any problem with him getting tough to people that are bad actors. obviously the chinese are huge tire producers. we had to put a tire tariff on them because they were dumping in the american market. i understand the use of this as a tool in selective cases. i don t think it works very well if you just do it to friend and foe alike, so to speak. a little more nuanced approach. we ll talk to the president about that. a hundred of us signed a letter to that effect, coordinated by kevin brady, the chairman of ways and means, and a noted free trader. i think the speaker s made his views known on this and