brian noss of tennessee and darren hoover 31 of salt lake city utah. marine corps sgt of massachusetts, just 25 years old marine corps sgt nicole g23 of sacramento dagen page of omaha and sanchez of indiana, marine corps david espinoza 20 years old from rio bravo texas. in marine corps lance corporal jared smith s 20 years old from st. charles missouri. marine corps lance corporal dylan merola of california.
yesterday. star wars day. yes, may the force be with you. celebrated with special chewbacca-inspired uniforms. they will wear those again today because it has really become star wars weekend. it has a sequel. today is revenge of the fifth. i m just telling you, that is fact, that is true. people are calling it revenge of the fifth. they re going to serve yoda soda. that can t be a comfortable costume. that chewbacca costume. brings out a growl. i m guessing. you start yelling. the kids had fun. isn t that all that matters? jeff fischel, thank you so much. appreciate it. hey, you know, they do not call him the oracle of omaha for nothing. when warren buffett speaks, everybody listens. what is he saying about the economy now? we ll tell you.
house correspondent, ed henry with us. ed, tell us about this meeting between the oracle of omaha, and the president. was this on the president s schedule today? reporter: it was not. it was something we had to dig out. buffett was here quietly meeting with the president. turns out we confirmed it is true. about 11:15 this morning, an hour-long meeting in the oval office. i understand the wrohite house s put out on their website an official photo. they had not promoted this at all. interesting because a lot of big stories are bubbling. beyond just the economic crisis itself, the senate on the verge of passing major wall street reform, that warren buffett and many others on wall street and the financial community are very interested in and what kind of impact that s going to have on the markets. but also the president s been taking a lot of hits lately from business leaders saying and accusing him of not being friendly enough to corporate america, that perhaps some of his policies, to