abbottabad, pakistan, compound. it shows the terror mastermind still actively involved in al qaeda plans and urging operatives to find new targets within the united states. a convicted nazi war criminal will not be sent back to the netherlands to serve jail time and can live the rest of his life in freedom in germany. we ll have a little more on that one. but the libyan dictator moammar gadhafi appearing yesterday on state-run tv reportedly meeting with tribal leaders. the video airing a few hours before a nato air strike caused extensive damage to his tripoli compound. a 5.1 magnitude quake hitting the southeast coast of spain. it happened yesterday in the city of lorca. homes, historic churches, public buildings destroyed. and at least eight people were killed. thousands of others fearful of another quake spent the night sleeping in the streets. residents were warned not to go home because officials are warning more homes could collapse. a ruthless government crackdown in syria
dead corps of the murderç of their family why, not do that? that is a question, and my guess will be asked moving forward. in terms of spiking the football, a full wry lease to the public, i think is what folks would see is spiking the football. if it s just members of the intelligence committee that can report back to constituents it looks like a good medium if you will, about what occurred on that mission. so it s look a stadium but with no crowd sounding and watching. reporter: correct. luke russert, thank you very much. reporter: always a pleasure. deadly earthquake topples buildings on the southern coast of spain. it hit the town of lorca, local authorities say a magnitude 4.2 quake was soon followed by a stronger 5.2 quake. mayor spoke on a radio show confirming four deaths caused by falling debris and the collapse of buildings. authorities tell nbc news there may be people trap made damaged tunnel on a highway. the hospital there also