job and other thejob said it was hannah gutierrez reed s job and other the job of other professionals to ensure that never happened. over the last month, the key topic of discussion when it came to support for ukraine was tanks. but now, after last week saw a number of nations agree to send tank batallions to ukraine, the discussion has turned from the ground to the skies. ukraine wants planes specifically it wants advanced fighterjets to be exact, like the american made f i6s. the f i6 fighting falcon is widely considered one of the world s most reliable fighterjets, and would be a significant upgrade on the soviet era fighterjets mostly migs that ukraine is currently using. the f i6s targeting capabilities would allow ukraine to attack russian forces in all weather conditions and at night with greater accuracy. but in a brief exchange with reporters overnight, president biden made his position clear. mr president. will the united states provide f igs to ukraine?
i think people need to be sober on what this aircraft can actually do in the timeframe we re talking about, because fighting with an f i6 is a very highly technical endeavour which you have to have lots of experience with. yes, there are some fighter pilots in the ukraine right now that could be crossed over to train in the f i6, but even for a us fighter pilot, they have to go through 37 weeks just for the f 16 itself. this is not an an aggie list to a mig 29 which the ukraine currently has in its current inventory. this isjust to currently has in its current inventory. this is just to get basic capabilities. but to fight an enemy air to air capabilities. but to fight an enemy airto air combat or capabilities. but to fight an enemy air to air combat or defend against the as/400 anti aircraft systems the russians have, we need to understand this is not a wonder weapon and can be shot out.