through lviv to get to poland. are people continuing to come through there today? the flow is constant. we don t see them much in the center of town but for the train station. people who get off the trains and make the choice to stay around lviv. most head west to neighboring countries. bill: open the board here, pete hegseth my colleague in arms with us now. dana, interrupt us any time. we want to give our viewers a sense of what is happening here. the nuclear power plant in the south. a lot of the action of the past 48 hours is down here. let s start there. i think from the beginning we probably underestimated the power projection platform they had in crimea. had it since 2014. part of an ongoing plan. he saw it coming back then and staging troops and putting in bases allowed logistical support in ways that we ve seen the effort stalled up north. they were relying on military
parliament a few moments ago saying the chechyan mercenaries are holding i guess you could say the workers at the nuclear plant hostage in order to make sure the nuclear plant still operates. what do you know about the mercenaries out of chechnya? vladimir putin prosecuted totally unjust war full of war crimes and atrocities against chechnya. he made a deal with the local strong man, the head of chechnya. in return for giving chechnya some economic freedom, the mercenaries are at putin s beck and call. when putin needs hit men to fight wherever, they do that.
shannon bream. she has a new book coming out at mothers and daughters of the bible. ask her scripture. this is what i know off the top of my head. piece of advice. stay within yourself today. a big lineup. stay within yourself. if you have to run, run to the radio. go get him. see you tomorrow morning. bill: good morning, everybody. 9:00 in new york. is anything off limits for vladimir putin? russian forces targeting a ukrainian nuclear plant igniting a fire and raising initial concerns of radioactive material spilling from it. the largest plant in all of europe. the fire is out and under russian control apparently. managed by the ukrainians. a story we re watching today. friday, almost there. bill hemmer welcome to our program. dana: i m dana perino. this is america s newsroom. we will take you through the developments today. many so stick with us. first nuclear watchdog said radiation levels at the site remain normal for now.
the man killed in the park was walking across the work just before noon on a sunny day in capital city in a western european country just steps ay way from the seat of government. right? he s walking through the park, his assassin approaches from behind on an ebike shoots him from behind at least twice in the head perhaps additionally in the shoulder. the guy on the ebike rides off several hundred yards towards the river. the man who was killed, the man who died in the park was reportedly a 40-year-old citizen of the nation of georgia. ethnically chechen in the early 2000s and big separatist uprising of chechens against russia reportedly a mid-level demander who led chechen forces in battle against russian soldiers and a close associate of an anti-russian chechen leader who would go on to be president of chechnya for a time. even after russia put town that uprising in the early 2000s this young commander continued to be i guess an annoyance to russia. somebody they might notice.
what do you think of this. i think it s a sign post that the united states s relationship with russia is going to be unprecedented in the nature of a completely transactional relationship. no more focus on human rights, democracy promotion, let s not kick up too much of a fuss about the invasion and annexation of sovereign your teen territory or what many are calling a near genocidal campaign in aleppo. this is a man who you mentioned in the earlier segment was awarded the order of friendship, one of the highest honors you could get by the russian federation. he was awarded it by vladimir putin. another person that was give than is the president of chechnya who likes to torture his victims personally. i think this is bodes very ill for anybody who thinks that the united states is going to pick a fight or try to contain or deter russian vanishing in europe. i ve gone to europe over the last two years and repeated instances and talked to a lot of european officials who are