he will give you a chilling story of what it like and how little help he received and he will tell you about how he felt when he heard susan rice write this off to a spontanous riot caused by hateful video. everybody there knows that was a political sploke screen. this is not the fog of war. she not confused by the fog of war. this white house seven weeks before the election tried to continue the narrative that bin laden is dead and al qaeda is receding in term of influence and power and bengazi destroyed that narrative and story line and that is what it is about for a long time. senator, you hearted president say to our ed henry, i am not aware of any attempt to quiet these people and not let them testify. were you shocked as i was when you heard him? you are right in the middle of this . one trying to get to the white house. react to me when you saw the
but someone is held accountable and responsible as high up as is necessary to really vindicate the four dead americans? i think the point is well made right there. enemy somebody is held accountable for want fact that four people were allow would to die, 7 and half hours they were under attack and no one came to their aid on 9/11 and our consulate was a death trap and every request for assistance denied and leading from behind does not work . quite afterwards it a political story and not basod the events on the ground. how far will i go? i will go and where i can look mr. wood and other family members and tell them what happened in bengazi, and until somebody is held accountable. secretary clinton said she had a clear-eyed view of what went on in bengazi and lib yampt
nothing. bottom line, i think the survivors and tholce involved need to be made available to the congress and there is no better than the people there. mr. hickings will testify. i have talked to him for two monthings . people are scare tod come forward and the president needs to make sure that those who come forward will do so without having a fear of losing their job and in reprisalings. this administration is been trying to hide the story of bengazi. it will come out thanks to fox news and a few other outlets. can you give indication of what we anticipate hearing this week? i think the whole construct of how bad it before, how many timings they asked for help and no body would listen. you will be surprised to hear what he said about the interaction between him and washington. he was on the phone with chris right before he died.
nothing. bottom line, i think the survivors and tholce involved need to be made available to the congress and there is no better than the people there. mr. hickings will testify. i have talked to him for two monthings . people are scare tod come forward and the president needs to make sure that those who come forward will do so without having a fear of losing their job and in reprisalings. this administration is been trying to hide the story of bengazi. it will come out thanks to fox news and a few other outlets. can you give indication of what we anticipate hearing this week? i think the whole construct of how bad it before, how many timings they asked for help and no body would listen. you will be surprised to hear what he said about the interaction between him and washington. he was on the phone with chris right before he died.
but someone is held accountable and responsible as high up as is necessary to really vindicate the four dead americans? i think the point is well made right there. enemy somebody is held accountable for want fact that four people were allow would to die, 7 and half hours they were under attack and no one came to their aid on 9/11 and our consulate was a death trap and every request for assistance denied and leading from behind does not work . quite afterwards it a political story and not basod the events on the ground. how far will i go? i will go and where i can look mr. wood and other family members and tell them what happened in bengazi, and until somebody is held accountable. secretary clinton said she had a clear-eyed view of what went on in bengazi and lib yampt