we bombed heir oesh ma we bombed nagasaki we never batted an eye. the stuff we have done overseas is now brought back into our own front yard. america s chickens are coming home to roost. no, no, no, not good bless america, god damn america. that s in the bible. you re killing innocent people. god damn america for treating citizens less than human. he sat in the pews of that preacher 20 plus years. he is like family to me he said. i could not sit in those pews for two seconds and what s so shocking about these comments of this easter is that this is a prayer breakfast. you don t say those things anywhere, but you certainly not
barack hussein obama until he decided to run a second term of president and needed money from hollywood to call this view traditional marriage less than loving, why, that is ludicrous, sinister, betrays another agenda i am afraid is at work here. father jonathan morris he talked about christians over the line, over the top, say things that aren t particularly christian. would this fall in the category? watch rthis. we bombed heir oesh ma we bombed nagasaki we never batted an eye. the stuff we have done overseas is now brought back into our own front yard. america s chickens are coming home to roost. no, no, no, not good bless america, god damn america. that s in the bible.