men s sport as oeapposed to th women s sport. if you re talk about fooea a fifa and the men s cup, absolutely. i was in france and fifa did very little to market the world cup this year. but if we re talking about u.s. soccer, when is who the women are suing, it s hard to tell who gets the most sponsorships, what the breakdown is for the tv contract because they re bundled together. but nike specifically said that the women s jersey was its highest selling jersey ever. you have seen some sponsors come on specifically for the women or say that they want at least 50% of their money to go towards the women s program. if you look at ticket sales, the wall street journal did a story during the world cup that showed that the women had outdrawn the men over the last couple years. and if you just look at the ticket numbers for this victory tour now, almost all of the games are sold out. they re approaching record numbers. steve goff just report the that