The ODP Corporation’s (ODP) CFO Anthony Scaglione has said the group’s Federation strategy will target a broader range of product segments. Speaking at the Noble Capital Markets’ Emerging Growth Equity Conference in Florida this week, the CFO affirmed that, “over time”, a greater focus of the Federation initiative would be to shift the portfolio away
US reseller ODP Business Solutions has announced the release of its 2023 diverse supplier catalogue. ODP Business Solutions’ diverse suppliers are certified minority-, women-, disabled-, LGBTQ+-, veteran-owned and small businesses. The publication features an assortment of over 1,800 items sourced from these vendors, including office essentials, school supplies, furniture and technology. More than 800 products
In yesterday’s Q2 earnings call, The ODP Corporation (ODP) highlighted the Federation dealer strategy at its Business Solutions segment. Federation companies – regional dealers ODP has acquired over the past few years – now represent more than $500 million in annual sales. CFO Anthony Scaglione said these businesses had continued to demonstrate “solid growth” in
OPI understands that ODP Business Solutions’ Federation network is set to expand further. At its investor day at the end of 2022, ODP said it would be accelerating Federation acquisitions following something of a hiatus while the company was involved in potential merger/takeover talks with Staples and its subsequent split into four separate operating units.
Over the past couple of years, few categories have taken on as much prominence in the workplace as health and well-being. It’s an area that has been completely re-examined and emboldened by a variety of factors, the most significant among these being the COVID-19 pandemic, greater awareness of mental health and a renewed belief in