Previously associated with a lower incidence of gout, sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT2) inhibitors for the first time also appear to reduce gout flare recurrence and excess mortality.
Retrospective, observational data from more than 13,000 US patients with type 2 diabetes and atrial fibrillation suggest that SGLT2 inhibitor treatment may cut AF recurrences post-ablation.
Two diabetes research giants, Ralph DeFronzo, MD, and David Nathan, MD, faced off on whether to use initial combination therapy versus starting with metformin and adding more medications sequentially.
The SGLT2 inhibitor didn t relieve congestion more effectively than a thiazide-like diuretic when added to furosemide in loop-diuretic–resistant patients with acute heart failure.
Sotagliflozin, a novel inhibitor of both SGLT 1 and 2, enters the US market with indications for preventing CV events, especially heart failure hospitalization and acute exacerbations.