we can. we re joined now by someone who s paid a lot of attention to surveillance. his name is nicholas challen. he s the former chief software officer of the u.s. air force. thank you so much for coming on . wha yr t what do you think is going on here? what s your best guess see? well, you see china the effectively the biggest experiment froere theym china we they , first of all, got probably a very high rate of high definition pictures of those sites. right. and keep in mind that the balloon is atr sixty thousand feet. so they are able to get better pictures, higher definition pictures of the sites. h the balloon is alsosl much slower than a low orbitficc satellitele. r chin additionally, you ve seenw the ability for chinabl to understand how quickly we re able to detect the balloon. it and alsod to it take some insight when it comes to our electronic warfare capabilities. and finally, of course, you ve seen china getting some insighto when it comes to the ability
anything. they spent a lohit of time i. the meditation room and sipping expensive coffee. here s one google employee i for example, a day in my lifei b working from the google l.a. office. i always grab some candy from the reception before heading in. this used to be an old aircraftt hangar, so the decorations hanging from the ceiling kind of looks am goin like an aircra, flying in the next. i m going to pass by .d ph these are installations. there are really good photo op. it s so sparkly and beautiful in here. i love then that a lot of our rk are themed. then i m goingen to grab my twot favorite drinks, which is this g green tea and coconut water. next, i m going to goi somo upss and grab some lunch. they always have pizza and aan variety of different vegetables and meat. the food is always really good. u i of course, everything yo see in the office is free. on my way out of the cafe, ove i ran into a juggler, which is a dog juggler and headed over to the massage chairs wan to wr
america, somewhere in latin america. does that surprise you?t surp it sobviously we not surprising. obviously, wine know they have multiple instances of these balloon activity. in fact.s, there was other ue case s over us territory as well. tnite so this is notd evestatn the ft time this happens over the united states . amazing. shelly. thank you so much for coming. on saying that perspective. appreciate. thank you. we saidhiso, as we said, this o spy balloon came to the attention of most americans yesterday when it was spotted flying over the state of montanana.a military base, a bae with intercontinental ballistic missiles. non w, the pentagon did not inform the governor of montana about until after the balloond a was over montana. so, of course, they would have known because they ve been tracking it since it was china, but they didn t tell greg gianforte, who is the governor of that state and reputed to bep we can t say we don t livehere there. one of the best governors in
so no big deal . stop asking questions. joe bide n, of course, took thatere? very same position today. watch. remember where the economy was hemor like when i got here? jobs were hemorrhaging, dam thin inflation was rising. we weren t manufacturing a thing. real economic here. mr. we were in real economic difficulty. that s why i don t mr. griffinoh . mr.lm president , i notice ae a smiles walk this way, mr.hat. president . they knew they weren t going to answer questionndisess on thc and it raises a much biggerwhat question, which is why i what s going on here? what else do they know but the refuse to tell us ? well,s today, pentagon bid sources conceded the biden administrationenn is has actually been tracking this chinese spy balloon for monthsoo n fosince it left china.tche that means they watched it float over the pacific. they watched it passover overanm the aleutian islands and into american airspace. and any time e shott down ov shot it down over the water, by the way
public health guidance never went through the administrative , . g ures so, no, you can t fire somebody for doing this. absolutely. , not. and what, michael, dids what your viewers need to hear this? tucker? what michaele do i did is what l should have done in california when this whole scam began, notn comply. you re making mt toe want to move back to the state, both, of you. californi i thank you for what youa did. michael, i have to ask yous, how did you feel so, i mean, in california, i was there yesterday. five fifty a gallon fo gr gasoline. so you need to make money. yo just to live there. everything s expensive. ve up inyou just gave up income. did you feel good about it? or not? chrysler. 79 chrysler, i drive a seventy nine chrysleir . i don t feel good about it at y. all. yeah, it s not great on gas.thai yeah. no it s not. no but did, did you feele st that it was worth losing the money to make the statement . of course, yeah. i mean if everybody that s tradesmen deci