it s a strange thing. by talking to the broader audience he s basically reminding them of the things we were talking about, that hold down his approval rating and support among people who are otherwise satisfied with the economy. it s a strange thing to go broad band in your medium but your message remain kind of narrow cast and sectarin. odd xings. saying again there were millions of illegal votes. lots of illegal voting in 2016. that s a lie. it s a dangerous lie. he s saying it on meet the press, not on hannity. when you say it on meet the press you re reminding lots of people who may say the economy is good about the kinds of things that are holding him back from supporting him. strange strategy. quick break here. much more. including a look at what the president is hearing on fox news and on television about iran. is he getting advice and is he being influenced by what he s hearing? that s coming up next. discover card.