green line, that un operation, those two warring parties apart and peaceful. you know, is that a forever war? no, it s not. it is a forever peace. but peace takes investment, it takes time, the same way as. you know, you would not have described having policemen on the streets as a forever riot. you would call it policing. you would call it keeping the peace and that s what it is and our troops weren t even doing that. they were supporting others. this was the first test of a phrase which you, on the select committee, raised the odd eyebrow at. global britain. how s it looking now? i don t object to the phrase, i just don t know what it means. there is nothing wrong with the phrase. fine. but. but what is behind it? what do you fear it means? well, i don t fear it means anything. i just don t know what it means. you think it s vaccuous? it could be.
in cyprus since the 60s keeping that green line, that un operation, those two warring parties apart and peaceful. you know, is that a forever war? no, it s not. it is a forever peace. but peace takes investment, it takes time, the same way as. you know, you would not have described having policemen on the streets as forever riot. you would call it policing. you would call it keeping the peace and that s what it is and our troops weren t even doing that. they were supporting others. this was the first test of a phrase which you, on the select committee, raised the odd eyebrow at. global britain. how s it looking now? i don t object to the phrase, ijust don t know what it means. there is nothing wrong with the phrase. fine. but. but what is behind it? what do you fear it means? well, i don t fear it means anything.