most people in dallas were not having meetings with cia agents. the question is why was it kept quiet, if people had found that out then, much less now because now it s a historical riddle. they would have said the fbi did not do its job. why should we allow the fbi to go on as it is. jay edgar hoover might have been prosecuted. they might have said cia contacts with oswald, november, october 1963, and earlier, you know, that period, they might have said did the cia kill john kennedy, would have unleashed all sorts of questions. if you re lyndon johnson in 1963, one of the worst secrets you want concealed, these are exactly what they were. mark, if in fact lee harvey oswald acted alone, as concluded almost 60 years ago, the question is why not release the documents to prover that point. why keep 4,300 at least partially redacted to allow the
what the whether there was a conspiracy or not, it certainly looks like the cia doesn t want to admit what it knew about oswald before the assassination. there seems to be no other hypothesis to come up with. do you agree? yes, and two documents came out last week that confirmed that. these are two cables that were written about lee harvey oswald in october 1963, sucks weeks before the assassination. and for the first time in 58 years we have a complete unex purr gated version of the cia s preassassination file on oswald. it took them 58 years to come totally clean on who at the cia knew about oswald before the assassination. i think you re right, the question they want to avoid, it seems to me, to delay, is what did we know about oswald before the assassination. the cia really doesn t want to talk about that.
has cleared the tower. on the way to space with our first human crew. a few minutes of weightlessness. but when he made the twilight zone appearance in october, 1963, only six americans had ever done what he is about to do next week. we spoke shortly before air time for my online show full circle. william shatner, i am delighted that you are getting this experience, and delighted to have you on the program. thanks for being with us. thank you. thank you, anderson cooper. i love to say your name. anderson cooper just rolls off. first of all, you look amazing. i look like i m ravaged by time. you look extraordinary. no, no. i, too, am ravaged by time. so my mine s mostly internal. your yours comes out in bad skin. but mine, i m falling i m falling apart inside. you should see my kidneys. well, i m dead inside. so, you know, emotionally, you
78% for reagan, 74% for bill clinton, 67%, gerald ford, george h.w. bush, 62%. jimmy carter, 60%. lbj, 55%. george w. bush, 42%. nixon, 31%. kennedy tops that list by far. reporter: tops that list by far, even though if you go back to the days in october 1963, his poll numbers were beginning to decline some because he had asked the congress to pass the civil rights act and that was very unpopular, especially in the south. but even then, he had a 57% job approval rating. now that 90% number is stratospheric. most smart political people will tell you why, number one, he was young, handsome, aspirational and inspirational and because his presidency was snuffed out at just the 1,000 day mark. so many people look back and ask what might have been. yes, we went to the moon, yes, call to serve, but we yes, yoh don t know what would have happened with vietnam, we don t know what would have happened with the civil rights and other