Supply. What else is stop is a recently resurfaced concert venue a grateful kestrel sound isnt just down to skilled musicians acoustic technicians also play a major role. Youd think theyd check the acoustics by getting a musician to play an instrument think again. Shots fired in dresden score two apologist a woman has loaded a gun going on stage and is firing at into the air. While a man stands by listening attentively. Common and Maglite Lautenbacher are acoustic technicians in the last few years the call to a palace has undergone major renovations and the two were part of the project from
the outset no theyre testing to see if the acoustics are as good as they had hoped obviously they need an audience in its place they use specially made lengths of fabric a full concert hall sounds very different than an empty one. Firing the gun allows them to measure reverberation. But why dont they just use an instrument. There are several ways of Measuring Reverberations whats important is to mak
a wave like vibration whether a sound as high or low depends on the frequency of the vibration frequency is measured in hertz one hertz equals one vibration percent and humans can hear a sound in the range between sixteen and twenty thousand hertz anything below sixteen hearts we call infrasound anything above twenty thousand hertz is all to a sound music is usually between fifty and eighteen thousand hertz it s impossible to individually measure the impulse response of so many sounds or frequencies that s why acoustic technicians divide them into sets encompassing eight notes. let s take this low c. for example as a starting point it has a frequency of one hundred thirty hertz. an octave higher is middle c. its frequency is exactly double that of the low c. two hundred sixty hertz after the same interval you come to the next c. which has a frequency of five hundred twenty hertz and so on the frequency doubles with every
a wave like vibration whether a sound as high or low depends on the frequency of the vibration frequency is measured in hertz one hertz equals one vibration percent and humans can hear a sound and the range between sixteen and twenty thousand hertz anything below sixteen hertz we call infrasound anything above twenty thousand hertz is all to a sound music is usually between fifty and eighteen thousand hertz it s impossible to individually measure the impulse response of so many sounds or frequencies that s why acoustic technicians divide them into sets encompassing eight notes. let s take this low c. for example as a starting point it has a frequency of one hundred thirty hertz. an octave higher is middle c. its frequency is exactly double that of the low c. two hundred sixty hertz after the same interval you come to the next c. which has a frequency of five hundred twenty hertz and so on the frequency doubles with every
know how the economy works. gary b. i hear you, you re raising a octave higher, i m trying to remove that higher octave. we like it, you re excited. go ahead. jonas comes up with some of these goofy things, i don t think there s any relationship, i d like to see a chart relating marginal tax rates to oil prices. first of all, that s a madeup number for crying out loud and second of all back to my bigger point. we assume that the money is somehow the government s and they re bequestioning that, letting us keep t why is that the case, people out there earn the money and why should the government have the money to spend? we know that government is bloated and inefficient. i don t understand why we don t know more on the tax cutting sides. chris, get in here.