Homeland security adviser to president obama. At this event hosted by the Texas Tribune festival. Thank you, evan. I thank all of you for being here. This is at the university of texas. A couple of quick reminders. This will be 60 minutes total but we are going to leave plenty of time for questions. We already know some of you have some questions you want to ask our, no kidding, allstar panel here. Secondly, in previous sessions at the festival, we have heard some very interesting ring tones. We would not like to hear any more of those interesting ring tones. Please remember to silence your phones. If you do want to take pictures, take videos, et cetera, and tweet them, yes, tribfest19 is how youll do that. Well take questions at the end. The microphone will be passed around. If you want to get the attention of the microphone, please look around as we move to that portion of the program. Quickly, im david priess, chief operating officer of lawfare. I worked in counterterror at cia both
Also check out the rewind page at aljazeera dot com for more films from the series im come on santa maria thanks for joining us to see your concert. In 2008 traveled across the United States discovering what it was like to be both a patriotic american and a devout muslim can you be muslim and american you have to be american 1st i didnt have much appreciation for why it would be a big deal that a muslim to be elected to the United States congress. Rewind islam in america on aljazeera. But remember were watching those few showers developing over the caspian sea a couple days ago they were drifting east to be this lot coming over afghanistan tajikistan they were big enough to produce flash flooding in tajikistan there are still a few showers around as you can see left overs the might be more to come west of it although its nice and settles sorry wrong temperatures of around about 45. 00 mark in baghdad baghdad a streak of cloud the gray across the eastern med i think it will be no more t
From the Credit Bureau agency equifax. Its one of the largest data breaches in us history, and people in our area were not spared. The hackers stole names, Social Security numbers, birthdates, drivers license numbers. Some experts have called it the worst Case Scenario for millions of americans. That information is exactly what hackers need to impersonate you. Thieves can use it to open Bank Accounts and credit cards in your name. It can even help them steal your tax refund, just about anything that has your name on it. Joining me now is greg fliszar. Greg fliszar is an attorney with Cozen Oconnor in center city, philadelphia. He focuses on cybersecurity, data breaches, and healthcare. Greg, thanks for being with us. Gregory fliszar well, thank you for bringing me. Rosemary we have talked to you before when weve had data breaches to report on in the past. So, this one, tell us about the scope, give us an idea of just how big this is. Gregory yeah, i think you laid it out pretty well in
Regime will live up to commitments it has made to give up chemical weapons and whether the worlds two most powerful nations can together take a critical step forward in order to hold the regime to the stated promises. I have seen reports the Syrian Regime has suggested as part of the standard process they ought to have 30 days to submit data on the chemical weapons stockpile. We believe there is nothing standard about this process of this moment, because of the way the regime has behaved. The words of this regime, in our judgment, are simply not enough, which is why we have come here. That is why we have worked with the russians and his delegation in order to make certain this can in fact be achieved. The United States and russia have and continue to have disagreements about the situation in serious, including the difference as to the judgment we just offered what is important is there is much we agree on. We agree on august 21, theory and men, women and children died grotesque death d
This has been the most frustrating series of weeks. Candidly, the damage is growing by the day. It has nothing to do with privacy issues, nothing. They are providing adversaries valuable information. By the way, we have already see one al qaeda affiliate completely change the way it does business, which means we now have a gap and the ability to try to stop something bad from happening. In our ability to try to stop something bad from happening. It has been described by Senior Intelligence officials as significant and irreversible. We think it is fun to put this in the newspaper, and i think irresponsibly on some of these issues. We have a gap. What is frustrating to us is our job was to find ways to close the gap in ways we knew existed prior to 9 11. Some of these programs fill the gap. Those gaps are back. If we think for one minute that people did not perceive that when there is a gap they will not take advantage of it, were absolutely fooling ourselves. All qaeda is on the rise. M