time for fun with politics, just when you think this campaign season can t sink any lower, it does. one issue on the table these days, man up. take a look. you. just out and out lie because you have nothing to stand on. run a race as a man. stand up and be a man instead of just calling me names. okay, okay, okay. social security is a promise we have to keep. it takes care of seniors in their golden years. man up, harry reid, you need to understand that we have a problem with social security. jan brewer has the cojones that our president does not have wow! since when did we start saying cojones in public and since when do we talk about testicular fortitude. it s one thing when one man challenges another man s manhood, but when a woman does it. kathleen, you wrote a book about why men matter and why women should care? it was called save the
hot. what are their goals and what are their conditions? how are they fanning the flames? look at the fans right now. have to have a struggling economy. got that. high employment. sure. high dependence on government. 41 million people now are on u.s. food stamps. 41 million people. you have to have uncertainty. you don t know what is going to happen tomorrow. and fear. alan greenspan actually had the cojones to come out and say it s fear that is undermining the recovery. if we knew the truth everything would be peachy. really? they wouldn t even tell us the truth on the b.p. oil spill. why would they tell us the truth on the dollar? i don t know what alan greenspan is reading. thank him for stopping by after he helped cause the
fan the flames and make it hot. what are their goals and what are their conditions? how are they fanning the flames? look at the fans right now. have to have a struggling economy. got that. high employment. sure. high dependence on government. 41 million people now are on u.s. food stamps. 41 million people. you have to have uncertainty. you don t know what is going to happen tomorrow. and fear. alan greenspan actually had the cojones to come out and say it s fear that is undermining the recovery. if we knew the truth everything would be peachy. really? they wouldn t even tell us the truth on the b.p. oil spill. why would they tell us the truth on the dollar? i don t know what alan greenspan is reading. thank him for stopping by after he helped cause the
general. why? because it is all fact-based. wise-up. amy: o reilly are you nuts? new york post dicker broke all rules by becoming part of his coverage. dicker threatened paladino s daughter. there is no you can t believe accusations, you must be skeptical about everything you hear these days. lee: bill you scoffed at president obama comparing his goals to the abolition of slavery. you are wrong. he wants to engineer social justice. angel: bill, as a part rican i m disappointed that congressman gutierrez don t have the cojones to tell congresswoman waters she is wrong about fox news and immigration. kurt: come on o reilly asking gutierrez to confront waters on behalf of folks is beneath you.
general. why? because it is all fact-based. wise-up. amy: o reilly are you nuts? new york post dicker broke all rules by becoming part of his coverage. dicker threatened paladino s daughter. there is no you can t believe accusations, you must be skeptical about everything you hear these days. lee: bill you scoffed at president obama comparing his goals to the abolition of slavery. you are wrong. he wants to engineer social justice. angel: bill, as a part rican i m disappointed that congressman gutierrez don t have the cojones to tell congresswoman waters she is wrong about fox news and immigration. kurt: come on o reilly asking gutierrez to confront waters on behalf of folks is beneath you.