the ocean will start rising along the coach, in the back bay and inland areas, in the sound areas within a matter of hours. your time to get out of those areas is coming to a close. harris: griff jenkins is on the ground for us in atlantic beach, north carolina, where the winds are starting to about. the bans on that storm are very wide. that s right, harris. they have already started to come in a little bit. i want you to have a look, for our viewers to have a look at the pure, here. this is the oceana pier, and you could see the waves pummeling the end of that. that is really concerning folks here, because this sort of storm surge that we are expecting that predicted nine to 13 feet this is the front end of it. the authorities are very, very concerned, as you see. the bridge s stability is being threatened. they were to see this kind of activity this early before it comes in. since i have been here in the last hour, we have had the