In 2022, the federal government, through the OSSAP-SDGs, initiated a N227m health project in Ogun state. A year after its completion, however, it is now in ruins.
they can swim four or five times faster than a person can. they can find things in the water and tell people about it more quickly than a human swimmer could. if you could just expand on that. what exactly they are being trained to do? what are they doing for the russians? dolphins, in general, have two main jobs in navys around the world. one of them is to find ocean mines or sea mines that are difficult to detect using that special sonar that they have. the other is to find special operation swimmers or frog men. if you think about the russian navy has their warships set up right now, it could be a potentially really easy target for a determined swimmer to come in and put under water mine on that. what a dolphin can do is it can be trained to look for swimmers and because of its wide range of