Special Judicial Magistrate, CBI Court, Sukhdev Singh has issued bailable warrants against the investigating officer (DSP) of the CBI after he failed to appear before the court in an alleged fake raid case at an IT firm registered against four sub-inspectors of the bureau for extorting Rs 1 crore
A CBI court has granted bail to three sub-inspectors of the CBI, Sumit Gupta, Pradeep Rana and Aankur Kumar, who were arrested for conducting an alleged fake raid at an IT firm in Chandigarh. They posed as Interpol staff and demanded Rs 1 crore from one of the firm partners.
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has filed a chargesheet against four CBI officers arrested for conducting a fake raid on an IT firm in Chandigarh after allegedly posing as officials of the Interpol wing of the CBI in Delhi and demanding Rs 1 crore.