Kagan watching this chain mail in for the past few months the stream has taking a round the world looking at the Global Pandemic and the impact its having a very citizens around the world today we still post at the pacific nations and ask if their isolation is actually helping them tackle coverage 19 and what issues and challenges they may well have if youre on you tube we would love to hear from you jump into the chat and he can be part of the conversation im going to start the conversation introduce in the guests and theyre going to say hello to you so ambassador it is wonderful to have you here on the strain tell everybody who you. Know i am from power i am due for men the president of the allow an ambassador to the United Nations based out of new york. As a gift to have use of p. S. Oakum to the string tell everybody whew you are hi good morning good evening of relevance affair marilyn are a part of the some of the vets a lot of them only daily news and sound so great to have you a