longer to resolve than others. joe doesn t come across as a dangerous guy. he is respectful to the officers, but it s not one of those guys i would trust, you know? he is definitely a dangerous individual. especially on the street and within his gang world. you wouldn t want to turn your back on him. leaha was recently confined to the segregation unit where he is locked in a single man cell 23 hours per day. jail surveillance footage shows why. he is down here, and his accomplice is kind of just walking around in the day room there. there was some form of disrespect the night before, and they were kind of just waiting for this inmate to come out of his cell and as soon as he comes out, the two of them begin assault on him. the one inmate just throws a couple of punches, but mr. laeha is definitely the aggressor. an officer who was doing a block check uses his oc spray to get them to separate and orders them to get on the ground.
he doesn t come across as a dangerous guy, he s respectful to the officers, but it s not one of those guys i would trust. he s definitely a dangerous individual, especially on the street, and within his gang world. you wouldn t want to turn your back on him. he was recently confined to the segregation unit where he s locked in a single man cell 23 hours per day. jail surveillance footage shows why. he is down here and his accomplice is kind of walking around in the day room there. there was some form of disrespect the night before, and they were kind of waiting for this inmate to come out of his cell. and as soon as he comes out, the two of them begin an assault on him. one inmate throws a couple punches, he is definitely the aggressor. an officer doing a block check at the time uses his oc spray to get them to separate and orders them to get on the ground. he is an admitted gang member
this arm here, that was the last one. that was the one that he pretty much opened it up. all these other cuts on his arms, he uses tattoos to cover them up. that s how long he has been doing that. staff say they re never quite sure who they re going to encounter when they deal with guerra. his personality changes. very frequently he can be one person that is singing. and, then, at the drop of a dime, he is mad. he s told me in the past, we can give him the taser. we can give him the oc spray. we can give him whatever. if problems is what he wants. he will give us problems. whenever he doesn t get his way, he will become disruptive.
so it s one of those things, kevin blanco wants this and he wants it now. well, he s not going to get it now. i ll give him the third and final directive. if he still refuses to come out and be cuffed, we ll extract him using whatever force is necessary. have you guys ever had to drag someone from the rec yard? i was kind of filming the guys coming up, and i remember panning over to see kevin, and he was gone. and i figured out he had moved to the top of the basketball hoop. he was like a cat. i mean, he must have moved up there so quickly, he just disappeared. the first plan was to come out and spray him with the oc spray. we all had to suit up, we all had to put on gas masks. this is what s going to happen. we re going to go in, give him some directives, bringing k-9 down. because if the directives don t work, then we re going to deploy with the oc.
if the wind s too bad, then we re going to drop a cs grenade. see what effect that has. the team attempts to spray oc gas into the rec pen, but the distance is too great to have any effect at all. not working. kevin seemed pretty immune to the oc spray, and even wearing the mask i could smell it, and i was affected by it. didn t faze kevin at all. next, the team deploys the more powerful cs grenade, but that also proves ineffective. you guys done yet? i don t know if he was used to it or if he was just putting on a front to show how tough he was. but he stayed pretty calm during the whole ordeal. and the next thing we know, the staff is bringing out rifles. which, to us, was quite shocking. get down. take the shot. down, down, down.