february. down almost 11 points to 46 in february, and keep in mind, folks, the number that 46, is a measure of how confident we are about the economy, 46, and in and of itself may not have meaning for you but it was down from 56.5, in january, and analysts thought the people who watch this stuff for a living thought it would tick down one point, 56.5 to 55 but, no, lo and behold it comes out and it is 46. an 11-point drop in consumer confidence over the course of the last month and you ask why? 460 some thousand job losses and told it was 700,000 and you should feel good when it is 400,000, obviously people don t feel so great about that. bill: and that is a stunning number and a couple years ago, it was over 100 and had been for years, and watch that. 24 minutes, past the hour. the u.s. marines bound for afghanistan getting intense training in mountain warfare and getting ready, high in the the sierras, of northern california,