say what he wants to say. he s treated his own experience. it why? t is and a way i what he sees as a problem in the country. obviousl pn y, a lot of people, you know, relate to what he s seeing and he has everys right to express himself and his musisic however he want and if people want to jump on him for it. but i think there s a i mean, obviously there s a huge obesity problem in the country. yeah, but and obviously it s not if safe and they re n stealing from the simply unhealthy. yeahling f and everybody knows . so you know i see him calling. it out as he sees it as an artist. so that is fascinating to watch the reaction to this one song and get so many people talking and thinking. so coming up, democrat leaders in cities across the are finally deciding, you know c do what, i think we need to do something about this crime problem. it s not okayabouthis for pee break into stores and cars, but is it too littleak too late? hmm. see the lights go out so that,