implications for the republic. that s what concerns not. look, anyone could stumble and fall, sandbag fall. but when a president does, it usually scrutiny and ridicule follow. trump couldn t even get a walk down a slick ramp without facing scorn. president gerald ford was probably the most athletic president ever. he played football in a national championship. but when he missed a step just once, chevy chase and snl sketches forever set a narrative of ford as a bumbling buffoon. so it is curious that when hillary clinton collapsed like an old armani pantsuit and wasid physically dumped into a van, riere was no snl sketch or ridicule. which bringsdiculed th us to tht th president , who over the last two years has done more pratfalls than jerry lewiso . part of the problem is joe biden is suffering from a stiffo gait and old age. his doctor has admitted as much ,but in an effort to showl how vigorous he still is , hehec tsaffects his skipping routine. i call it the biden trot
today. the reality is joe bidenn fo is in physical and mental decline. this has been going on forr ye years. chrowe ve chronicled on this shw this latest tumble is just a reminder of how dire his condition is . buorldt as the world watchesf the literal fall of america s president , what is more concerning are the other ominous falls oft joe biden that the media refuses to cover. tonight, he s celebrating his s debt deal . i want to commend speaker tht mccarthy, who was critical to reach an agreement. and it s ver they good a news fr the american people. we re protecting important ties from priorities from sociay to medicare to medicaid to veterans, to ournvestm transformational investments in infrastructure and clean energeb ,a more debt codifying obscene u covils of spending ushered in during colvert. this is not a victory . this is another fall,mily f one that will hurt you and your family. generafor generations.ob gro and as for the job to reportgove